About a year ago we decided to finally check out some of the medical expense sharing organizations we had heard about for a few years. We were intrigued with the idea of helping others with their medical bills, and then if we needed help, we could share our needs with others too. When we looked into the details, we were astonished to learn that what we were paying for high deductible (like $5K and $10K) medical insurance was more than we would need to share every month through most of these plans. We also learned that those who participate in a medical expense sharing plan are exempted from the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act." Encouraged by these discoveries, we went about researching the various options out there.
Here are some other things we really like about Samaritan Ministries:
- We send our checks directly to someone who has a need every month
- There are no hidden administrative costs - only one check for $175 a year covers all administrative costs
- Prayer requests and non-covered needs (like pre-existing conditions, oral surgery, etc) are shared for all to consider
- Samaritan Ministries is a non-profit charitable organization
- Their staff has been very helpful and servant-minded every time we have interacted with them
If you would like to learn more you can fill out this very simple form and they will send you a packet of information about the plan. If you do, there is a spot to mention how you heard about them. We kindly ask that you mention us in that spot: Mark & Rebecca Miller.