Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Exhaustion and Smiles

I'm exhausted. Last week Mark was in Honduras for a mission trip (I hope he'll get to post about it!), and the week without him just about did me in. Besides missing him immensely during those chaotic times when I was on my own getting three little ones to bed, a close friend went through a crisis that sent me for an emotional loop. I missed Mark's emotional support terribly. Praise God, He's got my friend in the palm of His hand, and she's healing.

Back to the less important topic of my exhaustion. Why am I awake at 5:00 a.m.? Elijah cried out at 2:30 a.m., but I was able to fall back asleep. However, my brain clicked into a different gear when Elijah cried out at 3:30 a.m. Mark kindly got up again and was able to fix the problem - Elijah had a little rash and needed a new diaper. Must be those terrible cloth diapers we use (hey, hey, that's just a joke - they actually help prevent diaper rash! : ) Despite the fact that all was well, my brain was 'on' due to pregnancy hormones. I finally gave up after trying to fall back asleep for an hour, and came to the computer, where I discovered something silly that I want to share. Very timely. So, here's to all you parents who sacrifice more than you figured you would for your precious children. I hope it makes you chuckle.